7 per cent of people who want to take part in the presidential elections intends to vote for Bronislaw Komorowski. 17 per cent declared their support for Andrzej Duda - according to the February poll by TNS Poland.
In February, compared to the month before the survey, Bronislaw Komorowski lost 5 percentage points of support, and the Law and Justice party candidate (Andrzej Duda) gained 5 percentage points of support.
On the Democratic Left Alliance candidate Magdalena Ogórek can expects around 6 percent whereas the Polish Peasant Party candidate Adam Jarubas has around of 4 percent of support.
1 percent. respondents said they will vote for for Janusz Palikot (Your Movement) (a decrease of 1 percentage point.), Janusz Korwin-Mikke (Korwin) (a decrease of 2 percentage points.), Anna Grodzka (Green Party) and Paul Kukiz (nonpartisan).
22 percent of people do not know who they will vote in the May presidential elections. 'That's 20% of Poles that I am going to fight for and win' - said Duda.
Nearly 60 percent of Polish declared to take part in the elections. definitely go for elections
The 12 percent declared that they are unlikely to go, and 10 per cent reported certainly not going to the polls. 7 per cent respondents are not too sure whether they will take part in the vote.
Polish TNS survey conducted on 13-18 February 2015 nationwide. Representative sample of 966 Polish residents aged 18 years and older.
The candidates: from top left Janusz Korwin - Mikke (KORWIN), Adam Jarubas (PSL - People's Peasant Party), Marian Kowalski (RUCH NARODOWY - National Movement), Andrzej Duda (PiS - Law and Justice), Magdalena Ogórek (SLD - Left Democratic Alliance), Anna Grodzka (ZIELONI - Green), Janusz Palikot (Twój Ruch - Your Movement), Bronisław Komorowski (PO - Civic Platform).
Who do you think is going to win the 'battle' to the Presidential Palace ?
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