In Poland, the Holy Week begins on a Palm Sunday. On that day, Polish Catholics are celebrating the day when Jesus entered Jerusalem. They prepare their Palms (Palmy - willow rods, boxwood twigs, raspberries, currants - decorated with flowers, moss, herbs, colorful feathers) to 'welcome' Jesus to their towns and villages.
Those household members who could not attend the Palm Sunday Mass, are being gently beaten with the Palms by those who were attending the mass. This ritual is bless those who did not go to Mass and to remind them that the Lord's resurrection is near.
After the mass the Pamls are being stuck behind an image or inserted into vases to protect your home against misfortune and bad neighbors.
Święconka - a basket with food
Holy Saturday is a day of joyful anticipation. On that day, Polish Catholics are oblidged to prepare a basket with food (that is to be consumed during the Easter Sunday breakfast) and bring it to the church to be blessed.
Sometimes, especially in small villages where there is a lack of a church, Catholics are gathering at a village Cross/Statute and are waiting patiently for the priest to come and bless their food.
The foods in the baskets have a symbolic meaning:
- eggs - symbolise life and Christ's resurrection
- bread - symbolic of Jesus
- lamb - represents Christ
- salt - represents purification
- horseradish - symbolic of the bitter sacrifice of Christ
- ham - symbolic of great joy and abundance.
Śmigus-Dyngus (Easter 'Wet' Monday)
It's fun, we all know it! You can pour water on anyone without exceptions! The first boy/girl to get fully wet is the first one to get married. Some people are using water guns to play with, other are more extreme and prefer the fire hose. The firemen are also involved in this play by wetting everyone who passes by the fire engine.
Poszukiwania Króliczka - Easter Bunny Treasure Hunt
After the Easter Sunday breakfast, the whole family goes out and tries to find some treasures left by the Easter Bunny (parents). The treasures can be found in the cabbage, in between the flowers, under the stairs, etc.
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